Erro ao executar RFC com campo data, adapter WCF-SAP: The string 'YYYYMMDD' is not a valid AllXsd value.
quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010
Tentando executar RFC com a data no formato YYYYMMDD no Biztalk 2009, acontece o seguinte erro:
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The adapter failed to transmit message going to send port "SendPort_SAP" with URL "sap://CLIENT=nnn;LANG=PT;@a/xxx/nn?RfcSdkTrace=False&AbapDebug=False". It will be retransmitted after the retry interval specified for this Send Port. Details:"Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Common.XmlReaderParsingException: An error occurred when trying to convert the XML string 20100808 of RFCTYPE RFCTYPE_DATE with length 8 and decimals 0 to a .NET type. Parameter/field name: xxx Error message: The string '20100808' is not a valid AllXsd value.. ---> System.FormatException: The string '20100808' is not a valid AllXsd value.Causa:
- Com o adapter WCF-SAP ao executar a RFC deve usar somente campo data no formato YYYY-MM-DD, e hora no formato HH:mm:ss.
- Na SendPort do SAP, aba Binding, setar a propriedade “EnableSafeTyping” para True. Então o formato antigo irá funcionar.
- Ou instale esse hotfix para que o adapter aceite outros formatos de datas.
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